Saturday, June 29, 2013

Dialog memberi jasa

Model dialogues: meminta jasa
    Mrs. Dina    : It’s a very hot day isn’t it?
    Mrs. Nia    : Yes, you are right.
    Mrs. Dina    : Can you turn on the fan, please ?
    Mrs. Nia    : Oh.. sure.
    Mrs. Dina    : Thank you.
    Mrs. Nia    : You’re welcome.
Model dialogues: memberi jasa

    Roni         : You look so pale Ayu..
    Ayu          : I’ve got a stomachache..
    Roni         : Can I take you home?
    Ayu          : Yes..please

Model dialogues: menolak jasa
    Shop assistant    : Can I help you ?
    Alice                  : No thank you, I can bring it by my self
    Shop assistant    : Ok..

Teaching Speaking

Teaching speaking is to teach English language learners to:
1) Produce the English speech sounds and sounds patterns.
2) Use words and sentence stress, intonation patterns and the rhythm of the second language
3) Select appropriate words and sentences according to the proper social setting, audience, situation and subject matter.
4) Organize their thoughts in a meaningful and logical sequence.
5) Use language as a means of expressing values and judgments.
6) Use the language quickly and confidently with few unnatural pauses, which is called fluency. (Nunan 2003)


In Oxford Advanced Dictionary the definition of speaking is to express or communicate opinions, feelings, ideas, etc, by or as talking and it involves the activities in the part of the speaker as psychological, physiological (articulator) and physical (acoustic) stages.According to Chaney, speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a variety of contexts. While another expert, Theodore Huebner said Language is essentially speech, and speech is basically communication by sounds. And according to him, speaking is a skill used by someone in daily life communication whether at school or outside.From the above definition, it can be inferred that speaking is expressing ideas, opinions, or feelings to others by using words or sounds of articulation in order to inform, to persuade, and to entertain that can be learnt by using some teaching  learning methodologies.

Good Speaking

Good communication comes in many forms and styles. No rule is ever set in stone and breaking
the rules can sometimes be the best way to get your point across. You should figure out what
works best for you and develop your own style. The tips I have included here should help most
people become better speakers, but please take them and leave them as you wish.
Don't be fooled into thinking that rhetoric is an innate ability - it is a learned skill. Behind every
perfect delivery is hours of careful preparation. The only way to become a good speaker is to
practice. Take every opportunity you can to speak. No suggestion will do you any good if you
don't take the time to apply it.
Whenever you do speak, always dress appropriately. You should look at least as good as your
audience does. If you are appearing as an authority on your subject, dress better than your
audience, if possible.
Always try to be informed on your subject. An audience can usually tell if you don't know what
you are talking about. If someone asks a question you don't have the answer to, it is okay to say
that you aren't sure. Be especially careful when your words may have undesired consequences.
After you speak, take the time to note what you did well and what you want to improve. You may
also want to ask a friend to evaluate part or all your speech. When you do, remember that they are
giving you their opinion. Don't become defensive at what they say. Their evaluation may give
you valuable insight. On the other hand, it may be wrong. Either way, it can be a good learning

by Stephen M. Fournier

Oral Quiz

Oral Quiz is quiz that purpose to improve speaking skill. Use oral quiz in english lesson is very important to improve students speaking skill. In addition pronounciation and vocabulary are increasing. The oral quiz helps the students’ difficulties in speak actively, the student more communicative in the classroom. This method helps teachers support students in that endeavor by guiding them toward clear goals and positive learning habits. The oral quiz requires students to define, explain, ask questions, give examples, and answer questions in ways similar to what they may encounter when speaking and listening to English in the real world. Aside from replicating authentic conversations and having a clear purpose to the students, the quiz questions actually train students in positive conversational habits. The student will be focus and ready to get english lesson from their teacher. Teachers of English need to understand their students as part of a cultural entity, and equally significantly, when developing teaching and learning activities, they should treat them as individuals who have different language needs and abilities and levels of confidence.


Asking for and giving directions
Asking for directions
Can you tell me the way to .............. please?
Can you give me the directions to ........... please?
Can you show the way to ........... please ?
Giving directions
Go over  the bridge/railway
Go through the crossroads/the traffic light
Go round the roundabout and take second exit

Take the first turning on the left/right
Vocabularies :
1.    Turn left, go left, take left : belok kiri
2.    Turn right, go right, take right : belok kanan
3.    Go on/ahead : terus
4.    Go straight on / a head : lurus
5.    Go down / through / pass : lewat
6.    Keep on walking : jalan terus
7.    Follow the street : ikuti jalan
8.    On the right/left hand side : sisi kanan/kiri
9.    Bridge : jembatan
10.    Bend : tikungan
11.    Pavement : trotoar
12.    Tunnel : terowongan
13.    Flyover : jembatan laying
14.    Way : jalan
15.    U-turn : belokan U
16.    One-way treet : jalan satu arah
17.    Slow traffic line : jalur lambat
18.    Alley/block : gang
19.    Tumpike, toll road, by pass : jalan tol
20.    High way : jalur besar antar propinsi
21.    Road : jalan biasa
22.    Street : jalan yang ada trotoarnya
23.    Boulevard : jalan yang ditengahnya terdapat taman pembatas
24.    Avenue : jalan yang ada pepohonan yang kedua sisinya rindang
25.    Short way, alternative way, cut way : jalan pintas
26.    Dead end, blind road : jalan buntu
27.    At the end of the road : akhir jalan
28.    At the corner of the road : pojok jalan
29.    Ring road : jalan melingkari kota
30.    Traffic jam : kemacetan lalu lintas
31.    Cross road / intersection : perempatan
32.    Three junction/ T.junction : pertigaan
33.    Traffic circle/rotary, roundabout : bundaran
34.    Traffic lights : lampu lalu lintas
35.    Traffic bump : polisi tidur
36.    Traffic signs : rambu-rambu lalu lintas
37.    Upward road : jalan menanjak
38.    Down ward road : jalan menurun
39.    Narrow road : jalan menyempit
40.    Bumpy road : jalan tidak rata
41.    Wavy road : jalan bergelombang
42.    Zig-zag / sneaky road : jalan berliku
43.    Green belt : jalur hijau
44.    North : utara
45.    East : timur
46.    South : selatan
47.    West : barat
48.    North east : timur laut
49.    South east : tenggara
50.    South west : barat daya
51.    North west : barat laut
Conversation :
A : Excuse me, do you live in this town?
B : Yes, I do. Can I help you?
A : I’m tourist, i don’t know the way to post office in this town. Can you show the way to
      post office, please ?
B : Of course, follow the street, after the second T.junction turn left and you will find the post
      office on your right side
A : Thanks
B : Welcome


How to improve your speaking skill using discusi
1. Ask a question or make a comment that shows you are interested in what another person says
2. Ask a question or make a comment that encourages another person to elaborate on something
they have already said
3. Make a comment that underscores the link between two people's contributions
4. Use body language to show interest in what different speakers are saying
5. Make a specific comment indicating how you found another person's ideas interesting/useful.
6. Contribute something that builds on, or springs from, what someone else has said. Be
explicit about the way you are building on the other person's thoughts
7. Make a comment that at least partly paraphrases a point someone has already made
8. Make an summary observation that takes into account several people's contributions & that touches on a recurring theme in the discussion
9. Ask a cause and effect question - for example, "can you explain why you think it's true that if
these things are in place such and such a thing will occur?"
10. When you think it's appropriate, ask the group for a moment's silence to slow the pace of
conversation and give you, and others, time to think
11. Find a way to express appreciation for the enlightenment you have gained from the
discussion. Be specific about what it was that helped you understand something better
12. Disagree with someone in a respectful and constructive way
13. Create space for someone who has not yet spoken to contribute to the conversation

My Research Work


In this globalitation era, english language have a prominent role in the world, where most people use English as a means of communication. English serves as an international language, consequently many communities in many countries in this world use it in every aspect of human life, such as communication, economics, education, science and technology.  It has been introduced to educational institutions which is learnt from elementary school up to university level. The Indonesian government has endeavored to improve the system of education and human resources development in realizing the objectives of national education. One of the efforts is done by implementing the Competency-Based Curriculum in the Junior High School. UU No.20/2003 about Sisdiknas Section 50 verse (3) stated that "pemerintah dan/atau pemerintah daerah menyelenggarakan sekurang-kurangnya satu satuan pendidikan pada semua jenjang pendidikan untuk dikembangkan menjadi satuan pendidikan bertaraf international. In SBI, the teaching material is written in English and the teachers give the material in English too. SBI at vocation high school has a mission to create capable workers either in our country or abroad. The class is equipped with a set of computer for each student, LCD, and network system which is connected to the internet. It has a learning model called e-learning and it is expected to be capable of encouraging students to study by themselves. The SBI system uses English and IT in the teaching-learning activities. There are four skills of the English communicative competence and one of the skills is speaking. The students can express the meaning well with the appropriate form, such as, in grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary.
In Junior High School, one of the weaknesses which they have in learning English is speaking ability. Their English speaking ability is still low. The indicators of the problems are as follows: First, the students feel shy to express their ideas in English. Second, the students seem to be in doubt and nervous to speak English. Third, the students do not know how to apply different transactional and interactional expressions in different situations. Fourth, the students are afraid of making mistakes in grammar, pronunciation, and intonation. Fifth, the students are afraid to be laughed at by others and they have no courage to express their own English ability. And finally, they never use English in their daily communication either inside, or, moreover, outside the class because of their limited vocabulary. The causes of speaking problem can be seen from many factors. Thee problem may come from the teachers, the students, and the syllabus.  In diagnosing the problem,  teachers are required to design the teaching techniques that will make the students easy to follow and understand the lessons given. Besides, in teaching English, the teacher has to be able to make the students participate in discussing the materials actively, so that they will be able not only to understand what they are learning in the class but also to express their ideas in English orally.  In small group discussion, the students can enjoy the lesson and they can express their ideas in front of their friends. So that, their ability in speaking can improved without nerveous or shy.

1.    Background Of  Problem
In this globalitation era, english language have a prominent role in the world, where most people use English as a means of communication. English serves as an international language, consequently many communities in many countries in this world use it in every aspect of human life, such as communication, economics, education, science and technology.  It has been introduced to educational institutions which is learnt from elementary school up to university level. There are four skills of the English communicative competence and one of the skills is speaking. The students can express the meaning well with the appropriate form, such as, in grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary. The student usually find weaknesses of speaking lesson in Junior High School. Their English speaking ability is still low. They can’t express their own speaking ability in front of people because the students are afraid to be laughed at by others or make a mistakes in grammar or pronounciation. By seeing the problem, the author will discuss “A Study On Teaching English Using Small Group Discusisson In Increasing The Students Speaking Ability Of Smp 2 Nganjuk”.

2.    Problem Identification
Student in Junior high school who just got a lot of vocabulary in the elementary school level have much difficulty in making sentences and pronunciation. Students are shy and afraid to express their ability in front of the class. Moreover, junior high school students are expected to develop their ability to speak English, especially in actively speaking. But they are not used other than a foreign language, students also are ashamed and afraid to speak in front of crowds. Thus the authors try to train students to speak by making a small group discussion, consisting of approximately 4-5 students. That way, students are not afraid to speak.

3.    Restriction
-    Small group discussion is the way in which students can train the ability to talk comfortably and not nervous
-    Speaking ability is the ability  which students can make sentences orally.

D.    Formulation And Problem Solving
In this research, the writer tries to explain how to increase speaking ability with small group discussion. So, the problem is formulated as follows:
How does the teacher train student in small group discussion in increasing speaking ability of student in SMPN 2 Nganjuk.

E.    Research Objectives
Based on the problem,  the objective of the research is to find the way in increasing speaking ability with small group discussion.

F. Objective

1.    This study aims to find effective ways in the development of speaking student.
2.    This study aims to discover how to develop students' speaking skills with small group discussion.


1.    To help teacher find efectively way in teaching speaking in  Junior High School.
2.    Small Group Discussion can improve speaking ability of student more comfortable

Materi: Perkenalan diri

Guru biasanya memberikan pelajaran perkenalan diri untuk melatih speaking skill siswa, karena kalimat perkenalan tidak asing bagi siswa -siswa pada umumnya. Siswa bisa memperkenalkan didepan temannya, bisa maju kedepan atau tetap ditempat duduknya.

Example :
My Name is Brandon Hutagalung,
you can call me Brandon.
I was born on July 31, 1991
I live in Diponegoro Street 86 Depok
My hobby is reading, swimming, and dancing
My favorite food is friend noodle, chicken steak, satay
I have 1 brothers and 2 sister.
My School in Senior High School 33 Depok.

Speaking Skill untuk kelas IV

(theme fruits)

Standar Kompetensi
2. mengungkapkan instruksi dan informasi sangat sederhana dalam konteks kelas
Kompetensi Dasar
2.1 bercakap-cakap untuk menyertai tindakan secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur : mengenalkan diri,memberi salam/sapaan, memberi salam perpisahan, dan memberi aba-aba.
Sub Kompetensi dasar
2.1.1 bercakap-cakap untuk menyertai tindakan secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur : mengenalkan diri


-    Strawberry
-    Orange
-    Cherry
-    Guava
-    Avocado
-    Watermelon
-    Lemon
-    Banana
-    Grape

Language expression :
Example : Hello, my name is ayu my favourite fruit is banana
Model pembelajaran :
Menggunakan model pembelajaran PAIKEM (Pembelajaran Aktif, Inspiratif/Interaktif/Inovatif, Kritis /Kreatif, Efektif, dan Menyenangkan)
Game : Do you still remember ?
Media :
-    Keranjang
-    Sticker bergambar buah-buahan
-    Serbet penutup keranjang
Langkah-langkah pembelajaran :
-    Sebelum memulai game, guru menyiapkan media terlebih dahulu berupa keranjang, sticker bergambar buah serta serbet penutup
-    Guru membagi kelas menjadi beberapa kelompok, setiap kelompok beranggotakan 4 orang.
-    Guru menempel sticker di dalam keranjang kemudian menutupinya dengan serbet
-    Guru menyuruh 2 kelompok untuk maju ke depan kelas
-    Guru menunjukan keranjang yang telah tertutup kepada kedua kelompok, kemudian membukanya selama 30 detik lalu menutupnya kembali
-    Guru menyuruh siswa untuk menghapal buah yang ada di dalam keranjang.
-    Kemudian satu per satu menyebutkan salah satu buah yang dia suka yang ada di dalam keranjang, setiap anak tidak boleh sama.
-    Siswa pertama memperkenalkan diri dan menyebutkan buah yang dia suka, siswa kedu menyebutkan nama serta buah yang dia suka ditambah menyebutkan nama teman dan buah yang temannya suka, begitu seterusnya
Contoh :
Siswa pertama : my name is ulin, I like cherry
Siswa kedua : my name is dessy, i like strawberry. My friend ulin, she like cherry
Siswa ketiga : my name is ayu, i like banana, my friend dessy she like strawberry and ulin she like cherry.

Dengan permainan tersebut ada beberapa kecerdasan anak yang dapat dikembangkan
-    Kecerdasan antarpribadi,intrapribadi dan verbal/linguistik ketika menyebutkan nama , buah yang mereka suka serta mengenal teman-temannya
-    Kecerdasan spasial , ketika anak berusaha untuk menghapalkan buah-buahan yang ada di dalam keranjang

How improve fluency?

Speaking English fluently is a goal for many learners of English. Fluency means being able to communicate your ideas without having to stop and think too much about what you are saying. However, many learners also have the goal of spoken accuracy. Speaking accurately means that you speak without errors of grammar and vocabulary.Which is more important – and more difficult – for you? It might depend on how you have learnt English in the past.

You may be someone who really likes to talk, and you are willing to try out language even though
you make mistakes.This can help make you sound very fluent. However, if you make too many mistakes which you do not stop to correct, you can find that it is difficult to make others understand your ideas.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Little Methode to increase speaking skill

In speaking class vocabulary has important role.Without vocabulary the student will not know what will they speak.
1. Ask the students to sit with circle form, 
2. Give the student smallbook that have content about vocabulary and pronounciation 
3. As a teacher/tuthor you can train your students read vocabulary together everyday with good pronounciation
4.For first meeting you can ask the student to introduce their self in front of class.Every student must do it. Let your student to ask with each other. Perhaps they still nerveous and haven't vocabulary more. But it can train them to speak in public. For homework ask the student to make a dialog in pairs about  introduce their friends and practice. The student can know their friends more and can decrease their shy.
5. For second meeting, after you ask the student to read new vocabulary (vocabulary must have correlation with lesson on the day) and practice their homework previous meeting, you can ask the student to describe their home. If the time not enough, it can become homework and practice next meeting.
6. For third, four, five meeting, develop your lesson and give them the lesson from easy level until difficult.
The student maybe can not master vocabulary very much, so give them the lesson that product sentence that use their words. Example you can ask them to describe actor /hero /their home /their family. Furthermore, you can give them game or do in pairs or more. Make the class rilex, and make a litle joke everyday. So your students can enjoy your class and they have high spirit to join your class. For the final meeting you can ask the student to make a drama. Its will become interesting lesson for the students

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My History

Welcome in my blog. Thank you for visited. I just shared some notes about speaking. I love speaking english. I know english language since i'm 5 years old. My uncle let me for sing a english song, like scorpion, Avril, Shakira, Westlife. I just little girl that try to search