Good communication comes in many forms and styles. No rule is ever set in stone and breaking
the rules can sometimes be the best way to get your point across. You should figure out what
works best for you and develop your own style. The tips I have included here should help most
people become better speakers, but please take them and leave them as you wish.
Don't be fooled into thinking that rhetoric is an innate ability - it is a learned skill. Behind every
perfect delivery is hours of careful preparation. The only way to become a good speaker is to
practice. Take every opportunity you can to speak. No suggestion will do you any good if you
don't take the time to apply it.
Whenever you do speak, always dress appropriately. You should look at least as good as your
audience does. If you are appearing as an authority on your subject, dress better than your
audience, if possible.
Always try to be informed on your subject. An audience can usually tell if you don't know what
you are talking about. If someone asks a question you don't have the answer to, it is okay to say
that you aren't sure. Be especially careful when your words may have undesired consequences.
After you speak, take the time to note what you did well and what you want to improve. You may
also want to ask a friend to evaluate part or all your speech. When you do, remember that they are
giving you their opinion. Don't become defensive at what they say. Their evaluation may give
you valuable insight. On the other hand, it may be wrong. Either way, it can be a good learning
by Stephen M. Fournier
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