Saturday, June 29, 2013

My Research Work


In this globalitation era, english language have a prominent role in the world, where most people use English as a means of communication. English serves as an international language, consequently many communities in many countries in this world use it in every aspect of human life, such as communication, economics, education, science and technology.  It has been introduced to educational institutions which is learnt from elementary school up to university level. The Indonesian government has endeavored to improve the system of education and human resources development in realizing the objectives of national education. One of the efforts is done by implementing the Competency-Based Curriculum in the Junior High School. UU No.20/2003 about Sisdiknas Section 50 verse (3) stated that "pemerintah dan/atau pemerintah daerah menyelenggarakan sekurang-kurangnya satu satuan pendidikan pada semua jenjang pendidikan untuk dikembangkan menjadi satuan pendidikan bertaraf international. In SBI, the teaching material is written in English and the teachers give the material in English too. SBI at vocation high school has a mission to create capable workers either in our country or abroad. The class is equipped with a set of computer for each student, LCD, and network system which is connected to the internet. It has a learning model called e-learning and it is expected to be capable of encouraging students to study by themselves. The SBI system uses English and IT in the teaching-learning activities. There are four skills of the English communicative competence and one of the skills is speaking. The students can express the meaning well with the appropriate form, such as, in grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary.
In Junior High School, one of the weaknesses which they have in learning English is speaking ability. Their English speaking ability is still low. The indicators of the problems are as follows: First, the students feel shy to express their ideas in English. Second, the students seem to be in doubt and nervous to speak English. Third, the students do not know how to apply different transactional and interactional expressions in different situations. Fourth, the students are afraid of making mistakes in grammar, pronunciation, and intonation. Fifth, the students are afraid to be laughed at by others and they have no courage to express their own English ability. And finally, they never use English in their daily communication either inside, or, moreover, outside the class because of their limited vocabulary. The causes of speaking problem can be seen from many factors. Thee problem may come from the teachers, the students, and the syllabus.  In diagnosing the problem,  teachers are required to design the teaching techniques that will make the students easy to follow and understand the lessons given. Besides, in teaching English, the teacher has to be able to make the students participate in discussing the materials actively, so that they will be able not only to understand what they are learning in the class but also to express their ideas in English orally.  In small group discussion, the students can enjoy the lesson and they can express their ideas in front of their friends. So that, their ability in speaking can improved without nerveous or shy.

1.    Background Of  Problem
In this globalitation era, english language have a prominent role in the world, where most people use English as a means of communication. English serves as an international language, consequently many communities in many countries in this world use it in every aspect of human life, such as communication, economics, education, science and technology.  It has been introduced to educational institutions which is learnt from elementary school up to university level. There are four skills of the English communicative competence and one of the skills is speaking. The students can express the meaning well with the appropriate form, such as, in grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary. The student usually find weaknesses of speaking lesson in Junior High School. Their English speaking ability is still low. They can’t express their own speaking ability in front of people because the students are afraid to be laughed at by others or make a mistakes in grammar or pronounciation. By seeing the problem, the author will discuss “A Study On Teaching English Using Small Group Discusisson In Increasing The Students Speaking Ability Of Smp 2 Nganjuk”.

2.    Problem Identification
Student in Junior high school who just got a lot of vocabulary in the elementary school level have much difficulty in making sentences and pronunciation. Students are shy and afraid to express their ability in front of the class. Moreover, junior high school students are expected to develop their ability to speak English, especially in actively speaking. But they are not used other than a foreign language, students also are ashamed and afraid to speak in front of crowds. Thus the authors try to train students to speak by making a small group discussion, consisting of approximately 4-5 students. That way, students are not afraid to speak.

3.    Restriction
-    Small group discussion is the way in which students can train the ability to talk comfortably and not nervous
-    Speaking ability is the ability  which students can make sentences orally.

D.    Formulation And Problem Solving
In this research, the writer tries to explain how to increase speaking ability with small group discussion. So, the problem is formulated as follows:
How does the teacher train student in small group discussion in increasing speaking ability of student in SMPN 2 Nganjuk.

E.    Research Objectives
Based on the problem,  the objective of the research is to find the way in increasing speaking ability with small group discussion.

F. Objective

1.    This study aims to find effective ways in the development of speaking student.
2.    This study aims to discover how to develop students' speaking skills with small group discussion.


1.    To help teacher find efectively way in teaching speaking in  Junior High School.
2.    Small Group Discussion can improve speaking ability of student more comfortable

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